John Ellis’ essays, poems, and reviews have appeared in Relief Journal, African Writer Magazine, Able Muse Review, Kalahari Review, Ginosko Literary Journal, The Clayjar Review, and Embodied Effigies Magazine, among other literary periodicals. His memoir, The Desert and C.S. Lewis, about teaching San Francisco’s underprivileged youth and traversing the Mojave Desert, is forthcoming. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Veterans Studies.
Born in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area, John was raised in West Africa, Europe, and the Northeastern United States. After moving to the San Francisco Bay Area, he studied under award-winning authors Sarah Manguso and Joyce Maynard at Saint Mary’s College of California, where he was a graduate fellow and veteran scholarship recipient. In 2020, he earned a Fulbright Scholarship to Senegal, to write about West Africa. John can also be found on Poets & Writers’ directory of authors.
John considers all things through the grand récit and personhood of Jesus Christ; his work is an attempt to render his vita experientias within the True, the Good, and the Beautiful of Christ’s Lordship.